Monday, November 19, 2012

Finding My Inner Wench

The city in which I reside will never be known as the sunshine capital of the world. We run around vitamin D deficient and stare appreciatively skyward when the seldom seen golden orb appears above. Therefore it is more than a tad disturbing after arriving in what is supposed to be SUNNY Florida that I am currently looking out a glass slider at a scene that includes multiple forms of H2O. Rain, mist and fog have joined together in preventing us from appreciating the desirable forms of water we do want and need known as the pool and the Atlantic.
A Few of the Darah Women are Getting a Bit Goofy Being Stuck Inside!
 Being what I like to think of as highly resourceful (my family calls me “Julie the Cruise Director”) I have been searching online for alternate activities of family fun. Ah! Here we go; “Moon tour of the Lighthouse.” We tried that “fun” in years past during the day and almost threw my oldest into therapy.  It’s what I like to call a “twofer”. We managed to hit both of her fears of height and closed in places in one nightmarish experience. Next…
Hey this sounds more like it. “Cork and fork”; two nouns that could easily turn into action verbs! Here’s one my older daughters would love; “Paranormal Pub Crawl though Historic St. Augustine.” You might actually see a few “beings” after that.

What really caught my eye was not an event or activity but a want ad. “Enthusiast cast members needed for sing along pirate ship.” Reading further, I came to the disheartening conclusion that I am too old to be the “damsel in distress” but I have a real shot at being a wench. Who knows, if this nor’easter doesn’t blow out of here soon you may see me hoisting the colors, raising me rum to grand fortune and saying “Hello Puppet” in my best Captain Jack voice to all who come aboard.  
I told my family my dreams of high sea adventure (well actually the ship makes a loop around the bay) and they are now doing what I think is a primitive “sun dance”. My Mom is opening what she is calling “pirate juice” and frantically searching for a lime. I think she hopes to find her “inner wench”. They say that some of the bleakest days turn out to be the most memorable later in life. Keep you posted.

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