Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quit Starring at Closed Doors!

I had the honor of being part of a group of incredible women who met to map out their goals and dreams for the year ahead.  While waiting for things to begin I hung with a young mom, Kristi, who is also in the “pink survivorship” club. She informed me that she is no longer going to give any energy to the “Big C” and wants to leave cancer in the past. My Gram would always say, “If you have to go through Hell, don’t stop and take pictures!” I am trying to adhere to both of these wise women but at the same time I fear losing the “lesson” and man it is a valuable lesson.

Cancer, like I’m sure any life crisis, teaches you to live in the now and that this and every moment is a gift. Kristi and I discussed that when we were in the thick of things, even being stuck in traffic was a grand opportunity. I took it as the universe’s way of saying it was time to play the air drums to my favorite jams or pop in the “Learn German in 10 Minutes a Day” CD which tragically I am Ich bin noch nicht sehr gut (still not very good!). Lately, I feel as if I have slipped back into normalness.  The constant reminders (no hair, short- term memory loss or finding my checkbook in the freezer) of my potential mortality, are now happily a blurry distant memory. However, I still desire to hang on to that gift of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

I want to have BIG days even while doing the mundane. I want to say “YES” to things I normally talk myself out of doing. I want to be the one who lounges in my big bathtub, stay up late by the fire, and have pizza and homemade smoothies at midnight. My daughters and their friends are having far more fun in this house than I am! My “BIG” doesn’t have to be “Paris big” (although I’m open to offers-major hint here people). It can be splurging on a latte, taking time to read, reconnect with friends and playing catch the squeaky toy with the pooch. Somehow I have to figure out how to remember the lessons from being told that this beautiful life of mine could all come to a screeching end while simultaneously closing the door on that experience.

One of my heroes, Helen Keller once said, “When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us.” I am ready to slam that door and jump into the one that has swung open. I hope you step into new doorways and HAVE A BIG DAY!


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Take My Breath Away!

I have no idea who said "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” but it always bubbles up from my subconscious this time of year. Believe me, as a single Mom I have had my breath taken away this past year but many times it is NOT for reasons of bliss and joy. If you want to cease breathing there is nothing like attempting (operative word here) to instruct your 15.5 year old exchange student from China the fine art of driving.

What really made me sound like a vacuum cleaner in reverse was seeing my youngest daughter walk down in my wedding dress which she found in the attic. It wasn’t too long ago when she was stuffing Malibu Barbie in a white frilly frock (even though I think she and Surfer Ken had a few prenuptial encounters). There she was before me looking like a young woman of maturity and not like the teen who just toasted the “E” off the back of my Ford Edge (which we now call a “D-Ge” with a thick French accent) when backing into the mailbox.

2012 took my breath away with an assortment of moments of mayhem but it also left me gasping for air when the women of this house inspired me. I let out a happy sigh upon finding out that my middle daughter who taught a geriatric water aerobics class as part of her school curriculum, quietly continued volunteering even when she had met the requirement and exhaled deeply when my child who would receive an A+ if they gave a “socializing and partying” grade somehow pulled a 3.97 out of…somewhere.
So bring on 2013! I am bracing myself with humor, patience and a sense of adventure for the breathless moments that come my way.