Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm Back!

I’m back! Let’s see a brief update: Dad in ER, insurance company had my birthday wrong then figured out how much I under paid all this time and took it out of my checking (also found a few bills from “the war” that weren’t processed thanks to their error) and after having a busted water heater, and garage door issues I had to prove that things come in threes by turning on my flat screen TV and seeing pretty vertical lines. It is VERY tempting to WALLOW (especially on a bleak day) but instead I am going to “get my big girl panties on” as Gram would say and face the world with the knowledge that better times are waiting just around the bend. Of course I have a handful of dark chocolate acai berries currently doing the slow melt in my hand that always seem to make things look brighter. Hey, we all have our own ways of coping! Here’s to hoping that things are going swimmingly in your neck of the woods. If not, there is chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. How could anyone have your birthday wrong? (smile)

    I am enjoying your postings -- keep on with the words, and yes, the chocolate, etc., too. An early wish for Happy Fantastic Holidays, filled with many blessings, of course.

