I spent the morning cleaning up substances that came out of
the backside of my aging Corgi that would make the most seasoned CSI agent cringe.
I believe Martha Stewart, the queen of domesticity, doesn’t have a solution for
this mess in her playbook which got me thinking…
Tell Martha That It Takes More Than Windex!
would like to see her get red hot candies and hardened frosting out of collie
fur. As long as I can remember my family has lived through clean up
challenges that have gone way beyond Windex and elbow grease. My poor
mother was forced to contend with my brother who at the age of three discovered
a black Sharpie marker. Why he chose to darken his private “anatomy” is still a
mystery. My Mom being from a family of female offspring thought it was
going to fall off and needed the reassurance of numerous paediatricians to
convince her otherwise.
down DNA reared its ugly head when my eldest child pulled an “Uncle Jim” and
found my permanent markers. She however, had a greater variety of hues at her
disposal. While I attempted to secure a festive bow around the neck of an
unwilling pooch, she was busy decorating her sister’s face before the annual
holiday photo.
In the
well-known children’s book, Harold had his purple crayon; in our house Helena had a Bic black ink
pen. It started off so innocently. She wanted to show me what a big
girl she was by using the writing instrument to scribble her “name” on notebook
paper. Always one to think outside the box or in this case the lined paper, her
pen made a pilgrimage up the side of the off white leather couch until
she happened upon the flat seat cushion that would become her canvas. It
was difficult to get angry when the subject matter was yours truly dressed in a
pretty princess dress complete with dangly earrings. I can now share with
Martha, Soft Scrub with bleach, and hairspray are amazing at removing ink from
It is my
personal belief that an operator’s permit should be required before purchasing
Chapstick. First this unknown substance that I’m certain is a molecule away
from something illegal, somehow snuck into the dryer. I would love to know what
Martha would recommend for melted lip balm on fuzzy pjs. The creative
middle child discovered that various colours of Chapstick placed between the
spaces of a wicker nightstand are a great way to make a rainbow. It does not
appear anywhere in the “Parenting 101 Manual” that you could be spending 2.4
hours picking a waxy substance out of small crevices with a toothpick.
has returned from a commercial break and is stating with great authority the
importance of “pretty towels”. I have only known one woman
who has successfully maintained “pretty towels”. I can understand why
after seeing the look in her eyes when asked what would happen if someone
defaced her latest. It was hanging in her guest bathroom like a museum piece. I
naively splurged on pretty towels. One met a premature demise after being
bleached from acne face wash and other met its ending with the end of a dog.
Enough said.
Before Martha expounds on the virtues of making homemade candles, as we know
this family has its wax issues, I am flipping to the Animal Planet. At
least I will feel relieved that someone else’s pet is misbehaving more than
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